Wii-rd Games: LIT

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The Wiiware service was pretty overlooked during the last generation. It’s not a big surprise, considering how well supported XBLA and PSN were at the time. That doesn’t mean there weren’t any interesting games available on Wiiware though. I already covered a couple of them here and LIT is another game for the service that shows just how creative some devs were on the tiny download service that could and deserves it’s place in the spotlight of this feature.

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Wii-rd Games: Tomena Sanner

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The Wii was a hugely successful system for which many great mainstream games were created. But for each Mario Galaxy or Wii Sports, there were a dozen weird little titles that didn’t have a broad appeal and didn’t get the recognition they deserved. That’s what this little series called “Wii-rd Games” is all about: The often forgotten and underappreciated weird titles, that came out for the platform. And the first one I’m having a look at right now is Tomena Sanner, a rhythm game like no other.

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